Bracken Asay



In this class I gained skills in HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Because of this course, I have the skillset to be an entry level to intermediate front-end developer. As you can see, I have built several websites throughout the duration of this class. The first few are websites from the HTML portion of the class. There is a group of websites that I created as part of the CSS portion of the class, like the little boxes website where I created a NES controller using only CSS. Additionally, you can see the Happy Birthday, Lottery Number, Mad Libs, and Tic Tac Toe websites were created as part of the Javascript portion of the class.

This home page is the last web page I created for this class and is my final project. You will notice that I use all the skills I have learned from this class to create the home page. I have provided links to all my work and hope that I have made it easy to navigate and a good user experience. This class has been such a great opportunity and I am very excited about the skills I have gained. I can’t wait to use these skills in the future.